Hemp Seed Oil and Pet Cancer

Most Cancers start with inflammation in the body. Hemp seed oil is a natural approach to helping to restore a pet’s immune system. All diseases including Cancer and viruses stem from a depleted immune system triggered by inflammation. Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD.

Hemp seed oil helps with inflammation in the body as it has anti-inflammatory effects. Hemp seed oil is a complete protein source and contains naturally occurring nutrients providing exceptional value and health benefits for cats and dogs. The American Cancer Society has found that hemp seed oil can aid with the fight against Cancer for both humans and pets.

Top three reasons to consider hemp seed oil:

  • Hemp seed oil supports whole body health as it is a natural probiotic, contains 8 essential fatty acids, has naturally re-occurring enzymes (digestive), Vitamins D and E, provides the complete B Complex spectrum, rich in minerals- calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorous along with iron and zinc
  • Hemp seed oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which inhibit the development of tumors and tumor metastasis
  • Hemp seed oil supports all around health as well as building a strong immune system for lifelong health and provides increased energy levels to pets

**It is advised that you speak and work with a veterinarian before starting the use of Hemp Oil with your pet.