Kali's Wish

Pet Health Hub


Treatment & Support

Veterinary Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a type of naturopathic medicine first developed by German physician, Samuel Hahnemann about two hundred years ago. It is based on the principles

Veterinary Acupuncture

What is veterinary acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing method used to prevent and treat many different health conditions by inserting fine needles into

Bio Detection & Pet Cancer Screening

Currently, pet owners have limited options when it comes to cancer screenings for their furry companions. All too often, we find out too late that

Doggy Blood Donations & Treating Cancer

In part 2 of the Kali’s Wish series on dog blood donations, we look at how donated dog blood helps with cancer treatment: (Check out part 1: Doggy Blood

Pet Insurance 101

Pet insurance is just like any other form of insurance; it helps you prepare for the unexpected. If you decide your pet needs insurance, think


Immunotherapy is Providing New and Exciting Cancer Treatments for Pets Dr. Al Townshend A pet’s immune system is in place to detect invaders, including cancer

Mast Cell Treatment Options

Recent Advances in Treatment Options Dr. Al Townshend If you are not familiar with Canine Mast Cell Tumors, I recommend reading the Kali’s Wish website

Radiation Therapy

What is radiation therapy? Recent advances in veterinary medicine allow vets to more accurately diagnose the type and location of tumours in our pets. And


What are the goals of cancer surgery? For most pet cancers, surgery is the primary form of treatment. Surgery is used to remove or reduce

Animal Chiropractic

What is animal chiropractic? Animal chiropractic is based on the paradigm that the body has the innate power to heal itself and that innate power


What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is the use of one or a combination of drugs to treat cancer. This form of treatment can be used alone

What to feed your pet with cancer?

Building a diet for animals with cancer If your pet has been diagnosed with cancer, paying attention to their diet is very important. However, building

Rehabilitation Therapy

What is rehabilitation therapy? Although it’s been around a long time in the human world, rehabilitation therapy is just picking up speed in the veterinary

COVID-19 Pet Health

A message from our Dr. Al According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, “There is currently no evidence to suggest that any animal native

Mushrooms and Pet Cancer

Chaga and Turkey Tail Mushrooms are a very good food to consider giving to pets that have a cancer diagnosis or for Cancer prevention. Why?