Our Guardians


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Disclaimer: These are comments for Guardians who have faced pet cancer head on, the words and opinions are theirs and theirs alone.

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Jeret Holt
Jeret Holt
February 21, 2019 6:38 pm

Hello all! The best way to help is to tell you Moses story and where we are now after losing him in May last year. Definitely still hit me right in the feels as my eyes are welling up. My boy was so loving and sweet. I adoptoed moe from a tenant when there dog had puppies. He was the most adorable pup. He was there for me through a lot of tough times as a young man. He was definitely my rock and even outlasted quiet a few girlfriends hahah. Moses was diagnosed in January 2018. We started to… Read more »

July 2, 2019 8:03 pm

Hello All. Unfortunately, my dog Tomi passed away in January of this year from prostate cancer. He was 10 years old and diagnosed in November of 2018 after we noticed blood dripping from his penis. It took a month to officially diagnose him and then came the hard decision of what to do, treat or keep him comfortable. In the end, I chose comfort over more testing. He was my best buddy and friend, and it’s been a struggle to get through some days without him. Even now, 6 months later, I still find myself crying when I talk or… Read more »

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