Kali's Wish

Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs: Understanding, Symptoms, Statistics, and Treatments

Hemangiosarcoma is one of the most aggressive and devastating cancers that affect dogs, particularly certain breeds. This cancer originates in the blood vessels and often goes undetected until it reaches an advanced stage, making early diagnosis and treatment challenging. This blog will provide a comprehensive look at hemangiosarcoma, including its causes, symptoms, prevalence, and available… Continue reading Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs: Understanding, Symptoms, Statistics, and Treatments

Modified Citrus Pectin, Dogs, and Cancer

We came across this interesting article on Modified Citrus Pectin and got one of our veterinary experts, Dr. Al Townsend, to share his thoughts before we linked to it. Dr. Al says: This is a great article from two highly respected veterinary oncologists. Together, they wrote the book on cancer ā€œDog Cancer Survival Guideā€. Modified… Continue reading Modified Citrus Pectin, Dogs, and Cancer

End-of-Life Care and Hospice for my Dog or Cat

Dr. Al Townshend Every pet Guardian is aware that there are three stages in the life of our cherished pets; puppy/kitten, adult, and senior. There is another phase in every life that we often fail to realize until it is upon us: the ā€œend-of-lifeā€ phase. For some, the end-of-life is the point a pet dies,… Continue reading End-of-Life Care and Hospice for my Dog or Cat

Benefits of Milk Thistle and Pet Cancer

Benefits of Milk Thistle and Pet Cancer What is Milk Thistle? Milk Thistle is a perennial herb of the Aster family that has been shown to have medicinal properties. The seeds contain silymarin which is a group of compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. And is often used as a complementary component to cancer therapy.… Continue reading Benefits of Milk Thistle and Pet Cancer

Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton and Pet Cancer

Marine Phytoplankton are microscopic, single-celled marine organisms that remove CO2 from our atmosphere. The worldā€™s surface is covered 71% by water, and phytoplankton produces 50% of the atmosphereā€™s breathable oxygen. They are the basis of the entire food chain of the marine environment. Marine Phytoplankton are whole food meaning that all nutrients are directly absorbed… Continue reading Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton and Pet Cancer

Mushrooms and Pet Cancer

Chaga and Turkey Tail Mushrooms are a very good food to consider giving to pets that have a cancer diagnosis or for Cancer prevention. Why? These mushrooms are packed with antioxidants to protect cells in the body from damage. Turkey Tail Mushrooms help to balance the immune system and so will support auto-immune conditions such… Continue reading Mushrooms and Pet Cancer


Immunotherapy is Providing New and Exciting Cancer Treatments for Pets Dr. Al Townshend A petā€™s immune system is in place to detect invaders, including cancer cells, and destroy them. When the immune system does not recognize a cell as a foreign invader (such as some cancer cells), the cells can increase quickly and become a… Continue reading Immunotherapy

Pet Cancer Diagnosis ā€“ What do I do now?

By: Dr. Al Townshend  Sit Down and Take a Deep Breath  Cancer is the last thing a Guardian wants to hear from their veterinarian. It is an all-too-common diagnosis that, in the past, has been considered a death sentence for their beloved pet. Today, the light is brighter, and there is a future for many pets… Continue reading Pet Cancer Diagnosis ā€“ What do I do now?

Pet Cancer ā€“ Complementary Therapies

From mushrooms to Chinese herbs, melatonin and many more ā€¦ There are a number of other options to support and treat pets with cancer, which can be used in conjunction with the conventional methods, or which be employed on their own. The goals are to slow or stop the progression of cancer. Also, to provide… Continue reading Pet Cancer ā€“ Complementary Therapies

Bio Detection & Pet Cancer Screening

Currently, pet owners have limited options when it comes to cancer screenings for their furry companions. All too often, we find out too late that our pets are sick. Liz Dick, head trainer with Bio Detection Dogs Canada, is hoping to change that. We sat down with her to discuss her latest ongoing project ā€“ training… Continue reading Bio Detection & Pet Cancer Screening