Kali's Wish

Commemorating Beloved Pets Who Have Passed

[THE 2024 EVENT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. THE 2025 BUTTERFLY RELEASE CELEBRATION OF LIFE EVENT WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 2025 AT NORTH GLENMORE PARK IN SW CALGARY FROM 9:30-11:30 AM. REGISTRATION FOR THE 2025 EVENT OPENS ON JANUARY 1, 2024] *2025 DONATION REQUIREMENT: A minimum donation of $20 per butterfly for non-attendees is required to cover costs, and a minimum donation of $25 per butterfly per two attendees is required to cover additional attendance costs. All proceeds (after costs) go directly toward Kali’s Wish services and programs. Canadian residents will automatically receive a valuable tax receipt upon donation. There will be a limited amount of early registration discounts available for multiple butterflies. Mark your calendar for Jan 1.2025 to ensure you don’t miss out!


On Saturday August 23, 2025, you’re invited to gather with fellow pet guardians and their families to honour your beloved and forever cherished lost pet by releasing a butterfly in their name to commemorate Rainbow Bridge Day*.

A butterfly release ceremony is time-honoured, family-friendly, celebration-of-life tradition to memorialize beloved people and pets who have passed. Delivering (returning) native butterflies to their natural habitat is a peaceful, healing, serene, and meaningful way to pay respect to a lost pet’s memory and legacy while connecting with nature and feeling part of something greater…

Kali’s Wish looks forward to connecting with you and helping you celebrate your lost pet! 

*Rainbow Bridge Day is officially recognized annually on August 28th. Since it falls on a Thursday in 2025, we have scheduled this event on the Saturday before to make it more attendance-friendly.

This event is made possible with incredible thanks to the Community Grant program from the Calgary Foundation that enables Kali’s Wish to expand on our Community Outreach initiatives!